For the remainder of the semester, we will be reading a second story, titled Rival. This story will be set in medieval Spain, prior to the Age of Discovery. During this time, Spain endured rule by the Islamic Moors in a kingdom they called Al-Andalus. This, however, doesn't tell the whole story. Historians have studied this time and have differing takes on the Islamic rule. There are many that tout this time period as proof that religions, even those drastically different such as Christianity and Islam, can live in tolerance side-by-side. Surely, there were times during the Islamic rule that there was a certain level of tolerance for Christians, although there were restrictions placed on them to a degree. The time of Al-Andalus also greatly impacted the architecture, arts, sciences, and learning in Spain as well as in Europe at large as new thoughts and philosophies were introduced to Europe for the first time.
That said, the time of Al-Andalus was not without it's own turmoil, even within the ruling Moors. There was also constant pressure from the Christian realms around, including the Christian kingdom of Asturias (later the kingdom of Leon). This group originated from the Christians who fled from the incoming Moors in (711-720 AD). This is going to set the stage for the dramatic Reconquista of Spain by the Christians. While our Christian heritage will make us root for this group, it is important to remember that this time was also the time was filled with a "Crusader" mindset. The methods and practice of the Church in how they reconquered Spain could and should be called into question. This week, I would like for you to watch the first part of a documentary on the Reconquista of Spain. The 1st part sets the stage for the Reconquista, during which Rival will be set. I would jot down a few notes because after you finish watching the video, you should use the link below the video to complete a FlipGrid response (details in the FlipGrid assignment) OR you can use code d3de0682 on the mobile app (which doesn't need Flash Player and works great). We will need to be able to use FlipGrid for future assignments with Rival so it is good to work the kinks out now if there are any.
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