It says volumes about the breadth (and, yes, even depth) to which we have covered the Spanish language that I actually had to dig quite deep to come up with a couple of worthwhile final "exploratory" concepts to investigate to finish the year. In the end, I have found 2 that were worth our time looking at: pejoratives (a relative of diminutives and augmentatives) and the neuter "lo" subject pronoun. WHAT! --- yeah, I know... but it will explain a lot of things that you might see and/or hear that have confused you. First, though, there is the pejorative. For this, just watch the video below that briefly explains the concept. Like diminutives and augmentatives, there is not a lot of structure to these, but are handy to for recognition of what is being said or reading. These aren't typically used until one is an advanced speaker, even then they should be approached cautiously as these are used to cast things in a negative light (not always bad, but can have the ...